
The Interest of the Transfracturar Approach in the Hip's Arthroplasties towards Pertrochanterics Fractures

The fixation with intramedullary trochanteric or trochanteric cervical plate is commonly indicated for fractures per trochanteric or subtro chanteric. However, this presents a significant failure rate, which is found particularly in unstable fractures or fractures of basicervicales. Arthroplasty is usually indicated for femoral neck fractures appear as an alternative to bone fractures and for some types is currently accepted by many surgeons. This indication was the subject of reflection during a meeting of the SOFCOT in 2010. It seemed interesting to ask ourselves the surgical approach to achieve for these replacements or the usual anatomical landmarks are altered by commination features of these fractures. The purpose of our work is to describe a way of original and specific to these first trochanteric fractures as it will borrow fracture lines to address the hip joint. Once the joint discussed the preparation of the femur will be according to the orientation of the line position of external or internal rotation as for an anterior or posterior direction. This incision transfracturar or trans-trochanteric has several advantages: It seems less bleeding because the capsule and pelvitrochanteriens muscles are not cut, it may decrease the risk of dislocation because the capsular and muscular elements are preserved and it allows a fast first hip and simplifies the procedure.

Author(s): Kharraji Abdessamad*, Erraji Moncef, Derfoufi Abdelhafid, Daoudi Ahmed, K Maatougui, Abdeljaouad Najib, Yacoubi Hicham, Agoumi Omar and Daoudi Abdelkrim

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